Student resources organized by task
This page consists of a list of "How do I ..." questions and their answers. Scan or search this page for answers to questions that you and your colleagues have about finding or doing things at AMBS.
Pro tips:
Press Ctrl-F to do a keyword search on this page.
Different people use different verbs to describe what they are looking for. If you can't find what you want, try another verb! (For example, one person might want to find a document; another might want to locate it; and a third might want to obtain it.)
Still can't find what you need even after trying all sorts of verbs? Ask your question!
How do I ...
... apply for student loans at AMBS?
The AMBS financial aid page contains a lot of information about ways to pay for seminary that don't require getting loans.
... get a library membership card?
Submit a request to the library.
... synchronize my Populi and Moodle account when the information provided is different?
You should not need to do this (Moodle pulls data from Populi). If you've notified the registrar's office about a name change in Populi, contact the AMBS IT department directly to update your other AMBS computer accounts.
... know where to park my car or bike when visiting campus?
The campus maps show parking lots; there are bicycle racks outside of Waltner Hall and near the 50s/60s apartment buildings.
... find the registrar's contact details?
The AMBS website contains a lot of useful information like how to contact the registrar.
... pay my school fees?
... request a scan from the library?
The AMBS library has created lots of library guides with useful information about library services available to you as a student at AMBS.
... contact someone when I have a question about writing in Chicago/Turabian Style?
The AMBS library has created a guide for the most commonly cited kinds of resources. That guide also contains information on how to contact the library with further questions.
... know what software AMBS recommends (Zotero, Logos/Accordance, etc.)?
No, but you should have: a citation manager (like Zotero), a word processor (like Microsoft Word), and a modern operating system (like Windows 10 or Mac OS X). The Bible department uses Accordance, so if you are looking for Bible software that isn't a bad choice. It's a good idea to have some security software installed also (both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X include basic antimalware scanners).
... register my vehicle with the Maintenance department or get a parking pass for my car?
Complete the vehicle registration form. (That's it; AMBS does not distribute parking passes.)
What happened to the nifty app? Turns out, Google lets you prototype for up to 10 users per month. But this page is too popular for that, and I wasn't convinced it was worth $60/user/year to us. So: Plan B.